
幸運の風 | 池袋・要町 当たる占い師 | 池袋 占い タロット 手相 アイリスミスティカル

  • Products 2018年1月13日

    本日は新商品 幸運の風を運んでくれる風水 Wind Fall  の紹介です(^^)

    Good evening, everyone =D
    Today we would like to introduce a new Feng Shui  Wind Fall, which will deliver you the wind of happiness ! x)

    This Feng Shui will work for miracle happiness or to increase money!


    You may put the bet money under this Feng Shui if you like to play any kind of gamble! It will also work to get a big win in the lottery, if you put the lottery tickets under this Feng Shui.

    This Feng Shui is a two-piece set.

    ・総重量/total weight: 486g 人形の重さ/ doll weight: 384g
    下の皿/ under plate weight:102g  人形大きさ/doll`s height: 7.5cm
    人形とお皿込みの大きさ/ doll and plate included height: 8.3cm

    ・ ハイクオリティな金属製です。
    This Feng Shui is made in high-quality gold plated .
    Purchase this Feng Shui to begin your new year !

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